Antisocial?! Me?!

33 likes?! What the heck happened here?!


It’s true. I avoid social interaction whenever possible. Give me a quiet room, a good book, and a bag of goldfish and I’m good. But stick me in a room full of kids my own age and I hide in my little shell. Lately I’ve tried being open and talkative. I HATE it. I never know what to say to most topics, like school/sports/Hollywood, so I’m left out, trying to fit in when I have no clue. (And I’m happy by myself.) But my family and selective friends seem to think somethings wrong and try to get me to talk to people, people I don’t like to talk to. And when they succeed it feels forced and I soon retreat, only to get pulled back into the thick of it. My blog is different. Here, it’s ME. If I don’t understand something , I can just find something I do…

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Published by AlexCharming

Alex is the oldest daughter of 8, soon to be 9, kids. They are all homeschooled. She enjoys reading, listening to music, and working outside. Alex is currently working on her first book.

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